American Frontier


What Business Owners Should Know About This Google Workspace Update

From classrooms to office board meetings, Google Workspace helps over three billion users worldwide draft documents, create charts, and prepare presentations. It's convenient, with easier accessibility across devices, unlike Microsoft suites. It ...

Remote Work Security: Safeguarding Digital Assets in a Decentralized Environment

Is yours one of the thousands of corporations encouraging people to return to the office? Perhaps your employees aren’t budging on discontinuing their digital freedom for more traditional arrangements. You’re not alone ...

Look Out for the Fake Version of LastPass on the Apple App Store

LastPass, the password management app serving more than 33 million users, recently warned iOS users about a fake version of its app, which managed to scale through the security review process on ...

Beware of These Multi-Factor Authentication Weaknesses

As a business leader, you want to protect your network from hacking and implement multi-factor authentication across your many accounts and devices. While these measures can boost your cybersecurity, hackers can exploit ...

New AI Image Editing Tools in Microsoft Copilot

Eye-catching images are a critical part of any content strategy. However, finding the perfect visual to include with a blog, social media post, or advertisement can be tough for businesses’ creative teams. ...

Pirates Aren’t Just Threats On The Open Seas

“Know Ye That We Have Granted And Given License To Adam Robernolt and William le Sauvage…to annoy our enemies by sea or by land, wheresoever they are able, so that they share ...

6 Common Technology Problems Small Business Owners Face

Technology can provide a strategic advantage for companies in every industry when properly utilized. However, one of the biggest issues small business owners face is overcoming some of the common tech obstacles ...

Top Tax Scams Every Business Owner Needs To Watch Out For In 2024

Tax season is around the corner, which means so are tax scams. Without fail, every year, individuals and business owners alike fall victim to tax scams, resulting in the loss of substantial ...

Boosting Productivity With Time Management Software

Establishments struggling in today’s fast-paced business environment have countless reasons for not hitting the heights they envisioned. It could be anything from regulatory bottlenecks to increasing competition. However, one reason some of ...

How $43,000 Got Stolen From A Small Business In The Blink Of An Eye

What you are about to read is a real story showing you how a business can be devastated by cybercriminals in the blink of an eye. Most importantly, I’ll share several ways ...


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